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A geologist, who loves mountains

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Assistant professor in Sedimentology and Organic Geochemistry

Department of Earth Sciences - University of Science and Technology of Lyon
Lyon Geology Lab : Earth, planets, environment


The job is designed to fulfil specialised teaching imperatives at the Licence and Master academic levels in the field of Organic Geochemistry applied to the study of sedimentary (paleo)environments and of oil/petroleum systems. There is currently no teacher-researcher in Organic Geochemistry at the University of Lyon. He (She) will be involved in the organisation and the management of lectures and teaching including:

Licence Sciences and Technology, mention Earth Environment: (L2 Chemistry - Geochemistry; L3 Environmental Geochemistry; L3 Field school - Sedimentology).
Master in Earth Sciences (University Lyon 1 / ENS of Lyon) : M1 Biosignatures; M1 Formation, evolution and characterisation of hydrocarbons; M2 Biogeochemical markers; M2 Cycles, events and climates.
Licence Sciences and Technology, mention Biology: L2 Sedimentary Petrology.
Training in Education in SV-STU (Living Sciences and Earth and Universe Sciences): M2 Fossil Combustibles.
Prep-Agregation SV-STU: Energy Ressources.

The candidate will strengthen a scientific discipline developed during the last years within the Department of Earth Sciences and the Geology Lab. of Lyon thanks to the arrival of a researcher (CNRS Senior Scientist), in order to develop organic matter sedimentology. The studies are based on the use of organic biomarkers (molecular fossils) to study sedimentary (paleo)environnements as well as present and past interactions between biosphere and geosphere.

Preferably, he/she will be a specialist of molecular signatures in some of the following fields: Biogeochemistry, Microbial Geochemistry, Paleoceanography, Petroleum Geochemistry. Solid skills in analytical techniques used for the study of organic biomarkers (GC-MS, LC-MS, GC-C-IRMS, etc.) will be preferred. The candidate will have good knowledge in sedimentary dynamics (deposition and preservation of organic matter). Expertise in complementary techniques applied to organic matter (palynofacies, mineralogy, isotope geochemistry, etc.) will constitute an advantage. The candidate will have to demonstrate a good integration into the national and the international scientific communities.

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